Hi there, its Steve.
If you want to send me a check in the mail, just PM me and we can do that too. Get a fansforchrist.org email address as a free gift for a donation of $20 or more. These are 10MB email boxes that you can get with your FFC username or any other name you want. Once you get it with us, it will be around as long as FFC is around so a $20 donation will basically get you an email for a long time. So, what would your money be used for? Here is a simple list:
A note from our Secretary, Swordsman: I just wanted to add my own input here. I was talking to Steve about this last night, and feel that this is an important ministry. As Christians, part of our duty is to try and reach a lost and fallen world. We all know that we are definitely in the minority when it comes to religious beliefs among anime/goth/RPG/sci-fi/gaming fans. So we have a wonderful opportunity to do three great things. 1. Show non-Christians that Christians aren't all legalistic and dogmatic, and that a relationship with Christ doesn't mean that you suddenly become boring or have to give up certain things. 2. Have a better opportunity to share the Gospel with the unsaved, since we're interested in the same things they are. We can have that relationship that really makes a difference to people, and show God's love to them. 3. Show other Christians that us weirdos can be saved also, and that Jesus loves everyone, even the "freaks". So we can even minister to our fellow Christians about just what Grace really means!
FFC is a wonderful outreach and ministry. But as you guys know, in this world, everything takes money. This web site costs money to maintain. It takes money to make banners and flyers. Registration and travel expenses for cons can be expensive.